We had our festivities yesterday so that Justin could participate. So for dinner we had lasagna, and drank apple cider from red hearted champagne flutes. Madeline LOVED the champagne flutes, though we had to teach her how to hold them without spilling. Justin brought me 12 dark long stem red roses (My absolute FAVORITES, one pictured above since I love to photograph them!) and a huge box of chocolate cherries. Madeline and I made him a "Fish Frame" with a picture of her and daddy in it, the four aforementioned champagne flutes, and an I <3 U Chocolate.
She was so excited to give daddy the frame that she had to tell him what it was before he even had it unwrapped! It was so much fun to decorate with her, and I thought it gave our Valentines celebration something that a purely store bought gift could never achieve.
We gave Madeline a plush dragon (because everyone knows that a six year old can NEVER have too many stuffed animals...), some silly bands and chocolates. The dragon was the sleep toy of choice last night.
I find that Valentines Day has lost a lot of the intended meaning since we were kids, but it is still important to remember to express how you feel towards each other. So in the spirit of how I was raised, I just wanted to tell you all how much I love you. Thank you for being such great friends and family.
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