Due to all the running about, and not being in the country for Christmas this year, Justin and I decided that we would wait till our return from Canada before we bought our gifts for each other. So Last week I bought him a Playstation 3 and Fallout 3. He purchased himself Little Big Planet and an extra controller.
This past Saturday, we all went out looking for my Elliptical machine that I wanted, and found one at Walmart that was actually really decent and not crappy in construction. It's even a Gold's Gym machine.

So now we have a decent start at our own home gym. I have a Pilates mat and a small set of free weights as well. I used the machine this morning and burned 450 calories in under an hour. Lets see how much pain I'll be in tomorrow. :P
We have also started our own version of the Spin Challenge today. We tried to start it last week, but things just didn't work out that way. So here goes. Exercise, no eating meals that we do not prepare ourselves and no paying for a gym membership.