After a briefly eaves-dropped conversation whilst Justin and Caren chatted about the lack of available images of our little girl, we decided to create a blog on the same site that other members of our family have, in the hopes of making it simple for everyone to remember the URL.
We have titled the blog "The Best Things In Life Are Free". Simply because they are.
So, without further ado, here is our first family Blog Post.
Madeline started Pre-School recently, and comes home with so much vigor and excited chatter that it is often hard to get a word in edge-wise. She sings songs and plays games and colors all varieties of paper bag animal puppets.
She came home the other day with this really cute Apple Game, and Justin decided to play it with her. It was all I could do not to laugh out loud at how easily distracted she was. She just wanted to put everything away. We love how the wind "Gaved a Angry Frown". She'll get it eventually. :)
Anyways that's all for now!
The Woottons