Tonight was an absolute hoot. Jeremy and Danielle brought their kids and met with Justin Madeline and I and Justin's parents and youngest brother Jared at a local restaurant called Wingers for some really good food, then we all went back to Justin's parent's house and played games all night. Above is the first picture. Calm. Serene. Misleading really.

Things were about to get silly. DUN DUN DUN!

While the adults played their game of cranium and acted like children, the children did a decent job of entertaining themselves. Kaden is off somewhere in the background, elusive as ever to my camera, while Madeline played with the modeling clay from the game.

Wee miss Brinnley sat snugly on Grandpa W's lap and wondered what the heck we were all doing.
This was the moment where these three had their minds in the gutter. I don't blame them though, they had to write three words that had to do with Las Vegas down on a paper and hope that the other two people on their team could match at least one of them. You can imagine where that went. (Special Mention of Jared's awesome hat!)

There's my hubby in his awesome hat. I think Jeremy is pretty animated about something in the background. I think it was probably his "Baby Boomer" enactment. He braced his feet against the table and proceeded to "Birth" a lot of babies and set them all down on the floor beside him. It was HILARIOUS.

Then Dad Wootton had to use Justin as a puppet and get someone to guess what the puppet was. Something is telling me that no one got it, because neither Justin nor I can remember what exactly he had his hands in the air for. lol

When the game was ended we all retired to the basement where we plugged the Wii in to the projector in the theater and played wii sports.

It was nice to just kick back and relax. I think everyone had fun. The kids were playing in the playroom downstairs with us and we were all comfy on the leather couches.

And then more insanity. Apparently this is a recurring thing that Jared and Jeremy do, See if you can figure out what is happening in this picture. :P

THEN Jared bowled a strike in Wii Bowling, FROM UNDER HIS BROTHER.

I think we played every game but Golf. The boys had fun playing Baseball.

It was a fun night, and when we arrived home at 11pm Madeline was already down for the count.
Her final words of the day were, "Daddy, it's ok if you don't read me a story tonight, I'm already sleepy."
Thanks for being awesome family!